Shedding and Becoming

Amanda Edwards, LCSW, Inc.

❤️‍🔥 Mabon! ❤️‍🔥
Happy Equinox friends! This sabbat is called Mabon, in some traditions said to be named for Queen Mab, queen of the faeries. Queen Mab is wise, highly independent, and symbolizes the power of waking fantasies, daydreams, and desires.

At this time of year, the earth's equator passes the center of the sun, creating equal illumination between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. We enter Libra season, symbolized by scales and balance. Themes for this time of year include recognizing the accomplishments and hard work of the year, enjoying the abundance of summer, balance and equilibrium, gratitude, grief, preparation and transition. It is a time for harvesting what/how you have grown, and taking a look at releasing what no longer serves you. The days are now noticeably shorter, there is a crispness to the air that just arrived in Santa Cruz in the last week or so, and there seems to be a feeling of beginning to turn inward. 

It has been a super rich last half of summer! Lots to talk about since my last newsletter...
October ketamine-assisted therapy group
Space is limited for our upcoming ketamine-assisted therapy group! The group will consist of four members, and the following sessions: one individual medical intake per person, one group preparation session, three group intramuscular ketamine medicine sessions, and three group integration sessions. This treatment arc is $1800 per person (20% off the low end of our sliding scale). 

Here are the dates:

10/9 - Group prep, 6 - 8pm
10/16 - Group medicine session, 6 - 9pm
10/17 - Group integration, 12:30 - 1:30pm
10/23 - Group medicine session, 6 - 9pm
10/24 - Group integration, 12:30 - 1:30pm
10/30 - Group medicine session, 6 - 9pm
10-31 - Group integration, 12:30 - 1:30pm

Individual medical intake sessions will be scheduled with Dr. Prentice Steffen, and will be completed virtually. 

This will be a first come first served group; please contact me to reserve your spot. As with all of my services, a free consult precedes any scheduling. 

We will likely be doing groups on an ongoing basis, either monthly or quarterly, depending on interest and availability. Let me know if you have any questions about this!
Seasons Cycles Rhythms 
I have been reading and learning so much about seasons and cycles lately, feeling really drawn to the natural rhythms of our bodies and the earth. I'm just going to dive right in, and while I recognize I may lose some of you here, I feel it is essential to be talking about the cycle of my/our bodies in relation to connecting with self/community/planet. I hope you stay..

Just about a year ago I had my IUD removed, and have been without hormonal birth control for the first time since I was 17. I was feeling called to experience my body without intervention, and while learning more about monthly cycles, I have also been led to the Wheel of the Year (hence the newsletters on the sabbats), as well as the larger cycles of life.

I am currently reading Wild Power by Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer, which connects the four weeks of the month to the four seasons of the year and encourages women to tune in to the rhythm of their cycle. I could say SO much about this book, but just to drop a few favorite lines and ideas, Wild Power highlights "a radical new story about feminine power;" a "path to power that is encoded in our bodies;" "the fullness and beauty of our authority;" all connected to "affirming our expression in the world... to gain insight into our overall wellbeing." It begins by validating how we have been shamed about our bodies, programmed to hold our cycle as a messy inconvenience, disconnected from our natural rhythms, and taught to override our body's signals around both our power and the need for rest. I love this book!

Another book, which has been on my shelf for years but which I just picked up and can hardly put down, is called The Circle of Life; Thirteen Archetypes for Every Woman by Elizabeth Davis and Carol Leonard. The authors cite the usual three archetypes for women: Maiden, Mother, Crone. But in addition, they introduce a fourth archetype, the Matriarch. A stage between Mother and Crone, where I happen to happily reside at this moment. She is at a stage in her life where being Mother is no longer her primary focus (perhaps mother to children, building a career, or honing artistic endeavors), but she is not yet the wise and revered Crone. The Matriarch "reflects autonomy and authority... secure in herself and in her position." The authors also add two "wing" archetypes to each of the four, and a thirteenth, which you'll have to read the book to learn about ;) 

Something I love about this book is the way the authors describe how a woman at any age or stage, can embody the characteristics of any of the archetypes. As examples, "As we embark on an adventure, set out to travel on our own, or take some risk in our lives, we may invoke our Maiden aspect to help us blend vitality with purity of intent;" "No matter your age, if you assume leadership in an empowering, non-competitive way, you are acting as Matriarch;" "We act the Crone when we storytell to make a point, when we put a humorous twist on a troubling situation, when the big picture is our foundation in problem solving."
I highly recommend this book. 
The Burnnnn 🔥
Lest I forget, beloved Burning Man!! The best one yet. The weather was perfect and the people were magical; the art, the innovation, the technology, the creativity, the music, the dancing, the movement, the heart, the warm wind while riding across the playa..

The lessons were not new, there were no grand surprises, but the swift reinforcement of what I have been reaching for, learning, re-membering, (harvesting!) was breathtakingly clear. I am on the right path! I have continued to write the same words and phrases in my journal each day, which have included:

Liberation, Play, continued Rest & Recovery

Space * Pace * Ease * Presence

Safety ~ Freedom ~ Abundance

Bless & Release


Two final pictures: one of a poem that sits on my altar, and one of me in some new shades I was gifted at the Burn. It was striking how many people saw me in these glasses and proclaimed "YES!!" I felt happy, at ease, and safe. The right people (for me) saw that, and celebrated. 

Also, it takes some guts to approach a girl who literally has NO written on her face. These were my kinda people. The clearer my energy gets, the better they can spot me. Looking forward to more of all that.


💫 BlessedBe 💫