Pizza Brain- News + Discounts


Dear Neighbors & Friends,

With great sadness and a heavy heart, we are announcing the closure of our Fishtown location. We love you, our neighbors and friends who have supported us throughout our 12 years here as an integral part of the wonderfully weird art and scrumptious food vibe that is Fishtown.

We’ll always be proud of what Pizza Brain accomplished here- the community we’ve created together.

We’re grateful to have helped birth a new destination neighborhood, launching Philadelphia’s gourmet pizza craze with our own twist.  We've crafted one-of-a-kind, tasty- fresh pizza pies.  We've also had fun building an inclusive, food maker community- using our own unique approach to pizza-making as a creative platform for others to build on. We sought collabs and smash-ups with other restaurants before it was commonplace.  Even a few Philly pizza makers got their start with us before moving onto their own ventures.

All along, you've responded with a loyalty that's opened doors, helped us earn awards, gotten our smiling faces on TV a bunch.

But most meaningful to us is the trust you've given us as neighbors: your invitation into your lives and the place you've given us there.  You've given us a seat at your birthdays, weddings, graduations, rehearsal parties, engagements and weekend friend hangs.  We’re extraordinarily grateful for the place you've held for and continue to hold for us.

Know we did not make this decision to leave here lightly.

But, in the behind-the-scenes realm of our world, we’ve been in a pitched struggle with our landlord over our lease renewal and much needed repairs to the home in which Pizza Brain lives. This includes efforts to modify our pre-negotiated lease and a years’ long effort to have a roof leak fixed.  That leak became so pronounced, cascading water would pour from the floor above into our store with each rain, eventually creating extensive systems and physical damage to the store leading to L&I building violations.  Likely, any of the ongoing issues you can imagine that come from water being where it should not, we are dealing with.

It has become clear to us we need to move elsewhere.

Yet, the great news in all of this is that we are already dreaming, planning- working on what is next!  We’re hopeful our goodbye from this location will lead to hellos from our next one. 

In the meantime, follow us on IG and our social media platforms for updates.  DM us with any ideas or insights you may have regarding possible locations, events we can partner in or just to send some love.  We'll welcome all of it.  :)  

In short, we can’t wait for you to join us on this journey! 

While no firm date is set, tentatively our last day will be sometime around the end of May/beginning of June. Yes, that’s soon. Pop by this week. And get ready with us for what’s next.  We don’t know where and when our reunion will be quite yet. But, we’ll throw a pizza party together like no other when that time comes!

-XOXO, Pizza Brain
We're looking for new spaces to create a new .  Let us know if you have any leads on one or pop-up ideas @ [email protected].
As we make plans for a new home, we're launching an online community + store from our current website to keep the pizza culture we love so much alive- virtually! 
Our plan is to work with local creatives to create cool, pizza-themed gear.  We also plan for it to be a one-stop place to connect with you with future events, pop-ups, pizza learning and "neighborhoodmaking" opportunities.  It's a work in progress now, but we hope to have it more worked out by the end of this month.  
Click the button below to check out our progress!
BUY 1 16" PIE GET 2ND @ 20% OFF!
'Za Weekend Started Right
Pizza.  the perfect fuel for a rainy-ish weekend.  
We'll keep you fed & moving with our weekend BOGO offer.
Buy 1 large pie, get your next @ 20% off.*  
Plain, peperoni or specialty.  Vegan or regular pies.  
Please note, this offer applies to pick-up or dine-in orders only.
Come on by & get your grub on!
*Offer ends at 8pm Sunday
Release Your Inner Creative
16" Jane Pie $18.62 + $1 Toppings
Saturdays are for funtivities- doing things your way.  
Make your Saturday yours.  Grab a Jane pie & top it any way you like.
We even start you off with our blend of 
mozzarella, grana padano & aged provolone cheeses & basil. 
What you add next is up to you!  Be free.