February 17, 2023
Aloha Membership:
This is a friendly reminder that as of February 3, 2023, all members were required to have a form of payment on file and authorize the Hawaii Yacht Club (HYC) to charge that form of payment for all members fees and dues. An authorization form was supplied to membership as per the January 27, 2023
e-mail blast and is also provided below.
Any member that has not completed the Authorization Form will need to do so immediately. Please help HYC in getting this task accomplished so HYC can receive payments on time and operate in a more efficient manner.
Also, another friendly reminder, effective March 1, 2023, HYC will be reinstating the NO CASH policy. This will help us mainstream how money is collected and eliminate the chance of human error.
As per previous e-mail blasts and the February 2023 HYC Bulletin all dues and fees need to be paid on or before the first 1st of the year, the 1st of the quarter, or 1st of the month, according to your membership type. If dues and fees are not paid on time these members will be held in arrears, according to the HYC by-laws, and the unpaid balances will be sent to our collection’s agency.
If any account is not brought current within the 90 days, their membership will be relinquished, according to the HYC by-laws. HYC appreciates all of memberships efforts in following these rules and working together.
Should anyone have any questions they can feel free to contact the office directly at (808)-949-4622.
Mahalo and Aloha,
Brian J. Orandello
HYC BOG/Treasurer