ComicsMongers Bulletin: cartoonist instore event tomorrow with Hans Rickheit and XTIAN'S BIG MOVE WEEKEND

We've got so much too tell you!
. 10/1 - Xtian moves into new apartment. 
. 10/14 - Xtian turns 41.
. 11/1 - The store turns 10 on it's actually anniversary for the first day we were open for business in Easthampton. 
Note: the surge continues: We have free high quality respirator masks and free unexpired covid Rapid Antigen Tests for distribution. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY! To learn more either respond to this email or ask whoever's working about it! Please take care - we protect us!
promo for upcoming instore event with Hans Rickheit on August twenty eigth from one to three in the afternoon.
We're thrilled to be hosting cartoonist Hans Rickheit in store for the first time tomorrow, Saturday 11/28! You might know him from his comics COCHLEA & EUSTACHIA or THE GLOAMING. Store opens at noon and the event starts at one. C'mon and see about us! 
Masks required and provided. 
xtian's big move update!
xtian is in apartment's living room . Phoebe is seated behind them looking at her phone. Xtian's wearing a green kn95 and a purple hooded jumper. A caption reads "we got a lot done today we we planned out our next steps. There's so much to do, but we're getting it done"
New XTIAN'S BIG MOVE UPDATE: "Today: I worked the store from open to close - it's been a good day for the store too, saw some lovely patrons. When I get out at six I'm gunna go straight home to feed and walk Rufus - I'm looking forward since it's such a nice early Autumn afternoon. I gotta figure out something for me eat. I'm loading up the car with more boxes and bubble-wrap and tape. I want to be READY TO GO for Tuesday. Tomorrow we have an cartoonist guest we're hosting for an event that I'm gunna pop by for, but I asked sam to cover tomorrow so I could be free to pack. I'm all excited and worked up about it - this is is it! The LAST weekend - next weekend I will go home to my NEW apartment and I just still can't get over that.
I'm really grateful for all y'all's generous contributions. I'm so close! Please share our content and help if you can! Thank you! What's coming next is gunna be really special and thank you for helping me get there.
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