Only 4 Seats Left! - Mother's Day Roses and Rosé

Need a last minute gift for Mom?  

 Celebrate "Mom", whoever that may be for you, by gifting her two favorite things: Time together and WINE!

Enjoy a relaxing evening of wine tasting, starting with bubbly and nibbles of artisan cheese. Then our wine educator Jaye will guide as we explore 5 other wines, with a focus on rosé, as well as some of our other favorites.

Class comes with locally-sourced roses and a special treat for Mom to enjoy at home!

 Whether you continue the celebration with dinner after, or this is the main event, it will be a unique and memorable experience you both will enjoy. And no waiting in long brunch lines!

 Saturday, May 11, 2019 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

**No Groupons honored for this event**